Comments – Week 4

Payton Fritch

Sarah Reuter

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Topic of the Week – PRCA

After taking this course and learning more about how social media should be used and monitored, I had a different view on how it is suppose to be used. I thought I fully understood how to handle social media for a company but I sadly mistakened. I didn’t realize how much you had to monitor on each social media account. You have to look at all of the activity, how many times your page is viewed, and how long a person stays on the site. There is so much that goes into a companies social media accounts. It is definitely important in terms of effectiveness and increase in sales and awareness. I think that it is used effectively when you maintain the content being published on your page and frequently update all social media accounts numerous times a day. In order to gain awareness and reach out to your target audience, it is important to directly relate to them as well as, advertising your information on social media accounts for the public to see. In relation to the current Twitter account that I have been using for class, I will keep the account and continue posting tweets. I enjoy Twitter because it is interesting to see what others have to say with only 160 characters. It is also fun and entertaining to follow celebrities and other famous people to see what they are doing throughout their day. All in all, maintaining a social media website is what will ultimately help your company in gaining awareness and increasing sales.

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Topic of the Week- Comments- Online Activism – PRCA3334

Jake Milo

Nina-Kate Cowart

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Online Activism – PRCA3334

Personally, I have not joined or ever been a part of any form/type of movement online. I have chosen not to do so because sadly, there has never been a cause that I have felt that strongly about. Also, as bad as it sounds, I don’t like seeing all of it being posted on my news feed. It eventually becomes annoying for me to look at. Although majority of the causes are for good purposes and intentions, I choose to be proactive in a different manner. I think that people choose to join or start a movement because something has directly affected them or either they know someone who was affected by it. I think it relates to more personal matters rather than pure belief. I don’t think this is something that I will be partaking in in the near future unless something life-changing happens to me that inspires me to do so. However, I do believe this is something that organizations can benefit from simply from how much positive awareness it can gain. By consistently posting content about the matter and staying engaged with the audience, it shows how just one person can be effective in the movement. Also, by directly relating to and targeting your audience, will show how much the movement really does matter. Overall, I think starting or joining movement via social media is a great way to get the word to spread around quickly and rapidly. Also, it is easier to persuade others to join this movement if they see that others are joining as well.

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Topic of the Week II: Responses

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Topic of the Week II: Social Media Oops!

With any controversy or crisis, it is important to act quick on the matter before it spreads like wildfire. In this particular situation, I think Shutterfly responded quickly, but they could have done a better job at immediately addressing the issue instead of dragging it out. The apology email should have been sent out that day rather than the following day. By doing so, I think that it could have prevented the negative comments and backlash from the public. Although they did receive criticism from the email, I feel as though it would have gained less publicity. In any situation, there will always be someone to have something negative to say so it is important to be prepared for when that time comes and plan to handle and address the issue professionally.

If I were the one ultimately responsible for this issue, I would have made sure that the apology email was immediately sent out to those who were offended. Also, instead of them sending the apology email out to everyone, they should have only sent it out to those who were affected or those who were not pregnant. This is such a sentimental issue to some people which is why it is very important to handle the situation accordingly. I think Shutterfly did do the right thing by using social media as a communication tool to their audience. Since social media has been progressing over the years, more people are bound to see a post on Twitter before they check their email. I think it was a good idea for Shutterfly to use this strategy to reach out to those who were affected by their email.

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Topic of the Week 1- Comments

Nina-Kate Cowart

Carson Kehoe

Let’s do some blogging!

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Topic of the Week 1 -PRCA 3334


Nowadays, several television programs are using social media and hashtags as a form of engaging with their audience in order to receive feedback. By utilizing these social media tools, it allows the television programs to become more involved and have a better understanding of their audience’s opinions regarding the show itself, as well as, the characters.

One particular show that comes to mind that does live tweeting is, American Idol. The hashtags during this show are primarily used to vote for their favorite contestant on the show. Instead of calling the direct hotline, it is easier for some people to tweet who they ultimately want to win. Other shows such as Dancing with the Stars and The Voice also use live tweeting and hashtags for voting purposes.

Personally, I have never live tweeted before simply because I always tell myself that my one vote won’t even count towards that particular contestant winning or losing the competition. Although I do not live tweet, I have many friends and family that do. This is just their way of feeling like they are involved with the show and also the sense of feeling that they are helping out that particular person.

I follow several celebrities on social media such as, all of the Kardashians/Jenners, Ellen DeGeneres, Justin Bieber, Ashley Benson, and many others. I have only tweeted a celebrity once and it was Kim Kardashian. I sadly did not receive a response back, but I will say that it won’t be the last time that I tweet a celebrity. I shall not give up. It is interesting to see how they communicate with their fans though. I sometimes scroll through the conversations to see who they respond to and what exactly they say.

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9 Circus Acrobats Injured After Sudden Collapse

After a sudden crash on Suday, 8 circus performers came suddenly crashing down from 30 feet in the air at the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus.

Eight performers fell atop a dancer that was currently performing in the ring at the time. All of them were taken to the hospital.

Thousands of parents and children watched as this happen, and gasped and screamed when the performers plummeted.

According to Peter Gaynor, the director of the Providence Emergency Management Agency, no spectators were injured and the performers conditions did not appear to be life-threatening.

As thousands of parents and children watched, eight women dangling high above a ring at a Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus performance in Providence, R.I., on Sunday crashed some 30 feet to the ground when the harness from which they were hanging suddenly collapsed.

Jill Reuter, the hosital spokeswoman, said there was only one person that is currently in critical condition.

Mr. Gaynor said that the performance began with a “hanging hair act,” which involved the performers being suspended from their hair around a large circular cone.

Just seconds later, after the performers began their routine, the cone let go, sending all of the dancers to the ground.

Most of the crowd thought that this was part of their routine, but this was sadly not the case.

Parents tried to distract their children from the scene, but with much chaos surrounding the arena, it was difficult.

The remaining shows that were scheduled for the rest of the day were canceled.

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Teen Plotted to Kill

After one evening this week, Chelsie Shellhas contacted 911 after noticing and young man slip into a storage locked and shut the door behind him. She felt as though something wasn’t right. It is a good thing she trusted her gut feeling, because it was right. Police said that just right inside of the storage room were bomb-making materials.

John David LaDue, 17, was seeking to bomb attack a school in the next weeks to come, police said in an unofficial statement.

Officers arrived at the storage park after Shellhas made the phone call, only to find the materials that LaDue was working with. There were an assortment of gunpowder, pyrotechnic chemicals, ball bearings and a pressure cooker, police said.

Being that LaDue is a minor, CNN doesn’t usually release the names of minors that have been convicted but chose to do so in this particular situation because his name has already been reported countless times in his community.

Police took LaDue in for a voluntary interview.

Ultimately, LaDue was charged with four counts of attempted murder, six counts of explosives possessions and related property damage charges. He is being charged as a juvenile.

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